Why is weightlifting beneficial to women?  I could go on and on and on about this, since the topic is near and dear to my heart.  I won’t bore you with EVERYTHING, but I DO want to hit some highlights.

First, however, I do want to start with something that drives me CRAZY.  Lifting weights will NOT make a woman look more manly.  Weightlifting for health, and in general, does NOT heap muscle on a body.  That takes dedication, a very specific nutrition plan, and in many cases some chemical help. Secondly, you have to lift HEAVY to really build muscle.  Moms, do you carry your toddler/small child around all day long?  How much does he or she weight?  Probably at least 20 or 30 pounds.  And what about your purse/bag?  What I’m getting at is that you CAN lift heavier weights than you think you are able to lift, and doing so will not make you bulky.  Carrying my 40lb 4 year old up a flight of stairs is no small feat, so doing squats or lunges with more than 8 or 10lb weights is totally doable.

What weight lifting WILL do is make you more shapely.  Who doesn’t want a shapelier butt, thighs, arms?  By working and building your muscles, you burn the fluffy fat and replace it with shapely, toned muscle that fills out your skin.  No chicken-wing triceps, but toned arms and shoulders to show off in the summer months.  A shapely butt to fill out that perfect pair of jeans.  A tighter tummy you don’t have to tuck in with Spanx under your LBD.

Weightlifting also helps you in the long run.  Resistance training, like weight lifting, increases bone density.  Women can be at higher risk for osteoporosis, or weak bones, so building your density with weight lifting is essential.  You can’t get that kind of strengthening with calcium supplementation alone.  Having strong legs will also help you with movement in general as you age.  Think of what motion you do when you sit down or get out of a chair.  It’s a squat.  Practice that NOW so you don’t struggle as much when your energetic 3 year old grandchild stays with you when your in your 60s.

For more reasons why weightlifting is beneficial for women, check out the Team BeachBody blog post here.

If you’d like help with your health, nutrition, and weightloss and fitness goals, let’s talk.  Fill out the following form, and I’ll be in touch!


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